Distilled Spirits Council of Vermont (DSCV) Elects New Board

Distilled Spirits Council of Vermont (DSCV) Elects New Board The Distilled Spirits Council of Vermont has announced the election of a new Board of Directors. The Distilled Spirits Council (DSCV) is a cooperative, non-profit organization created to develop, promote and maintain the independent distilling industry of Vermont, and currently represents 17 member companies. [...]

Distilled Spirits Council of Vermont (DSCV) Elects New Board2023-07-31T14:07:30-05:00

DSCV Announces Reboot of Tasting Tour Passport

DSCV Announces Reboot of Tasting Tour Passport The Distilled Spirits Council of Vermont has announced a reboot of their popular Tasting Tour passport program. The Distilled Spirits Council (DSCV) is a cooperative, non-profit organization created to develop, promote and maintain the independent distilling industry of Vermont, and currently represents 20 member companies. The [...]

DSCV Announces Reboot of Tasting Tour Passport2023-07-31T17:13:24-05:00

Welcome to the new DSCV Website

Welcome to the new DSCV Website! The Distilled Spirits Council of Vermont has launched a new website to provide a better user experience.  The ability to find all member distilleries throughout the state of Vermont is of primary interest to the membership.  The new site puts the DSCV in a better position to [...]

Welcome to the new DSCV Website2023-07-31T17:11:33-05:00


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